The harlot, no less than the violent criminal, must be removed from society by the Christian prince, lest her wickedness spread and infect others.
Day: June 16, 2024
If we simply remove everyone who is not genetically American (redundant, but the point must be made clear), then the overwhelming majority of our problems will disappear along with them.
*Someone does something terrible.*
Online ‘Christians’: ‘May God convict him of his sin!’
You know what? No. May God raise up a godly prince to remove pieces of him until he is no longer able to commit such evils.
This is the religion of every ‘Christian’ Zionist — an altar built to a false god worshipped by lies and slander; apostasy with regard to God and treason with regard to nation.
There is no pit deep enough for such wicked men.

The Holocaust is literally incredible.
The first man to enter Paradise was never a Jew (for they did not yet exist); the last man to enter Paradise will never have been a Jew.
Maybe one time in ten thousand you can manage to pet a lion without being mauled.
A similar thing is true of turning harlots into housewives.
A harlot can give up her harlotry — and certainly she should do so, even if only for the sake of her soul —, but the physical, emotional, and psychological consequences of her behavior will remain for the balance of her life.
Any man who would become her head must take this into account.
A woman’s virginity is among her greatest assets. The woman who gives it as a gift to her husband builds up her dignity and her home; the woman who gives it away carelessly will inevitably sink deeper into depravity and sin — and she will seek to drag down others with her.
‘I want to be a theologian.’
Congratulations, you are disqualified.