A church without a confession is less a church and more a social club.
Category: Comments
There will be no deportations under a Nationalist government. Anyone who is wrongfully present in the West should leave by the end of this year.
Der Rote kommt nie mehr zur Ruh’.
Anyone who defends pit bulls is getting deported.
Sitcoms hit the Boomers harder than ayahuasca one-shots tech bros.
If God delivers lands filled with violent, barbaric, anti-Christian heathens into your hands, then your Christian duty is clear.
Women are truly blessed when it comes to matters of ‘career’ and such, for God has ordained that for them from the start — wife and mother. Men, on the other hand, must struggle to make something of themselves, and today they must do so with little guidance.
No American has ever been named “Vivek”; no American will ever be named “Vivek”.
Cryptocurrency is a great way to bamboozle people into believing that math problems are actually legal tender.
I actually like the Tischreden (both Luther’s and Hitler’s) and the supposed ‘Goebbels’ diaries’, because they are a most useful IFF.