You cannot have both Jews and peace.
Category: Comments
Anyone who thinks ‘racism’ is a sin is not a Christian.
If your wife has a large online following, then you are more her pimp than her husband.
The Germans were the good guys in all three world wars.
We should just take the entirety of Africa.
Slavery remains such a major issue for blacks because being enslaved is the most noteworthy thing Africans have done thus far in human history.
A reminder: Most of those who created, released, and exploited COVID are still alive and can be punished for their many crimes.
The only thing of which Atheists are more certain than that there is no God is that they hate Him.
“No one has dared so much as to touch the heart of this controversy by responding, which is the greatest evidence of a bad conscience in a wise and learned adversary.”
The Left use comic books and other such media to illustrate their ‘points’ because all of the actual men who shared their beliefs were moral monsters.