The Haitians are an accursed race; having slaughtered their rightful masters and sworn themselves to Satan, they are damned — and so is anyone who tolerates them.
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Tens of millions of Germans did not die in vain — they died to ensure enough of us survived to give it another go.
No half-measures this time; every knee will bow.
If racism is a mortal sin, then every man who died before 1965 is in Hell (including the Apostle Paul).
It has, heretofore, been a luxury of living in the civilized world that only a small handful of men need know the depths of the depravity, wickedness, and sadism of the bulk of what passes for human on this Earth, but that luxury has come to an end — many are about to learn some harsh truths.
Anyone who still supports ‘immigration’ is your enemy and should never be trusted.
Jews have lied so frequently about their intelligence that they have convinced themselves the lies are true — nothing jars them more than being handily outplayed by a mere ‘goy’.
In a very real sense, I have zero interest in debating or even arguing with any of the Establishment ‘theologians’, pastors, et al., because they are, in the end analysis, irrelevant — we will be replacing all of them.
This is a war of annihilation, and weak men get no say.
A great historical irony (and a deep and abiding wickedness) lies in the fact that many of those who took up arms against the Germans in World War II were the grandsons of men who had fought against tyranny in the Civil War — they became the evil their grandfathers had fought.
One of the (wicked) cries of the movements that flowed through or from the French Revolution (among others) was ‘no gods, no masters’ — a rejection of rightful, God-given hierarchy and order. Without realizing it, the Boomer generation (and many who follow in their wicked footsteps) have essentially completed the second half of that goal, and will answer to God for it.
‘Both we and our fathers have sinned.’ is a necessary Christian confession.