Plenty of men claim to oppose Feminism, Marxism, sodomites, and the other evils of our ‘modern’ world, but it is the Fascist alone who is willing to do something about them.
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Lutherans are confessionally bound to be Christian Nationalists:
‘The chief members of the Church, the kings and princes, should especially guard the interests of the Church. They should see to it that errors are removed and consciences are healed (i.e., rightly instructed). God specifically warns kings, “Now therefore, O kings, be wise; be warned, O rulers of the earth” [Psalm 2:10]. It should be the first care of kings to advance God’s glory.’
The God of Scripture does not change.
The god of the enemies and adversaries changes with the times, the social mores, and the political winds.
To the pastors who — manifestly — have some reading comprehension issues:
Go through Scripture and read every passage where “Israel” is paired with a singular verb.
When you are done, get back to me and we can have a more serious discussion of the existence and nature of race.
In these latter days, as both our world and those who inhabit it grow old and corruption is everywhere apparent, we must settle for those leaders as we may have, for, unless God raises up men greater and more capable than we, then we are all that is available, all that is left — no one is coming to save us.
We must fight the good fight, come what may.
I do not know precisely where the line is, for Scripture is silent on the matter, but, at some point, astorgos — the failure to love one’s own people (i.e., race) — rises to the level of apostasy.
Here are the sides:
One side is advocating for more young Christian men and women to go abroad to be raped, tortured, and murdered.
The other side is advising against that.
If you find this a difficult choice, I have some bad news about what may await you in eternity.
There is great irony in all of these supposed Christians appealing to the Great Commission, which is to all nations, while simultaneously elsewhere and insistently denying the very existence of the nations.
Every man defending the Haitian ‘missionaries’ is defending a man placing his wife into a situation where she is likely to be literally raped to death.
The wickedness and the depravity of our enemies cannot be overstated.
Getting your wife raped to death (and probably also cannibalized) by feral blacks in an alien land is, perhaps, among the most depraved of things that plumb the depths of astorgos.
Is he in Hell? We cannot say for certain, but we also cannot say he was a Christian.