I expect to see many EO in Paradise (although they will no longer be EO), but EO can have no place in American Nationalism — it is a subversive and alien thing that must be removed.
Month: January 2025
No woman should ever be left alone with a man of another race.
A footnote in a future study Bible after we win: “The Jews were…”
The future of the sons of Japheth is neither the hostilities nor the divided and separated endeavors of the past; rather, our future is intimately and inextricably connected — divided we have fallen, together we will rise.
Die Zukunft der Söhne Japhets liegt weder in den Feindseligkeiten noch in den geteilten und getrennten Bestrebungen der Vergangenheit; vielmehr ist unsere Zukunft eng und untrennbar miteinander verbunden — geteilt sind wir gefallen, gemeinsam werden wir aufsteigen.
Christendom was a Germanic construct; the popes benefitted, but seldom contributed. America is a Germanic nation.
The Overton window is not set by shifts or by arguments — it is set by immovable men, and only he is immovable who stands beside God.
The Germanic peoples have thrice fought the forces of the Internationale: the Thirty Years’ War, World War I, and World War II. The next round will be definitive.
A church without a confession is less a church and more a social club.
It tells you all you need to know about the active promotion of miscegenation that our enemies always focus on our advocacy for Whites not marrying outside their race and never focus on our advocacy for other races doing the same.
If the issue were anything other than the desire to see the White race genocided, then the enemies would take note of the fact that we want, e.g., the Chinese to remain Chinese and the Japanese to remain Japanese just as we want the Germans to remain German and the Americans to remain American.