Do you return your shopping cart and hate haggling?
You’re probably White.
Do you return your shopping cart and hate haggling?
You’re probably White.
We have a most significant advantage over prior regimes when it comes to deportations and enforcement of citizenship laws: DNA testing is cheap and fast.
If you are ruled by Christians, then your nation will trend toward Christ.
If you are ruled by heathens, then your nation will trend toward Hell.
If the United States population were 100% American, there would be no homelessness or hunger and there would be virtually no crime.
This is an achievable goal.
The current population of the United States is roughly 340M — less than half of whom should be here.
Under Christian Nationalism, it will be illegal to be Jewish.
If Democracy is sacred, then it is a tenet of a religion.
Christianity does not have Democracy as a tenet.
The religion of which Democracy is a tenet is not Christianity.
Democracy is part of a false religion.
All false religions must be destroyed.
Democracy must be destroyed.
Scripture: ‘Baptism now saves you.’
Baptists: ‘Baptism does not save you.’
There is no point in letting the ‘discussion’ go past this — they are saying the exact opposite of what God says.
We do not seek revolution or rebellion; rather, we seek restoration and rebuilding.
The American Right — and I do not mean the Republican Party — stands for a return to tradition and a forward march to greatness.
What we seek, quite simply, is the good of our own.
If your ‘tradition’ practices ‘re-baptism’, then it may very well be a religion, but that religion is not Christianity.