Fascism is a Right-wing, Nationalistic, Authoritarian system that aims to combat Marxism, Communism, and other degeneracy by restoring traditional morality and removing subversive and destructive elements from society. It is not an end state or a goal, but a means to an end: Restoring a godly society with proper order and hierarchy.
Holy are the hands that wield the sword that does the Lord’s work.
It should be illegal to work eighty hours per week.
There are solutions to every problem we face — and I mean that without exception —, but not all of the solutions are clean, not all of them are pretty, and some of the consequences will be unpleasant.
We still have no choice.
If you are still unwilling to call yourself a Fascist, then you are an enemy of all that is good and beautiful and true.
Every Indian present on American soil is an enemy soldier.
Fascism is the only thing that can stop all the evils besetting our nation.
No Indian has ever been anything other than Indian. No Indian has ever assimilated. An Indian will always be an Indian. This is certainly not a condemnation, but it is warrant never to permit them to leave India.
In any political movement, it is necessary to purge the ranks of traitors and subversives before real progress can be made; with regard to Christendom, we must purge the Judaizers before the true restoration can begin.
Some time in 20XX: ‘So, pastor, can you point me to the sermons wherein you condemned ‘immigration’, ‘Israel’, the Jews, and the then-ongoing genocide of Whites back in 2025? No? Here’s your shovel.’