To assert that the very people that murdered the Lord Christ, and even to this day are proud of their evil, are ‘chosen’ is blasphemous, damnable wickedness.
There are no Judaeo-‘Christians’ in Paradise; there are a great many of them in Hell.
Scripture is a closed book to the Judaizer, and this includes every Judaeo-‘Christian’.
Politics is the art of identifying enemies, and then punishing them severely.
Race is merit.
If you’re confused about which sex you are, then you shouldn’t be allowed to own a gun.
God never says anywhere in His Word:
‘Thou shalt tolerate thy neighbor’s sin.’
but He does say cursed is the one who causes another to stumble.
God never says anywhere in His Word:
‘Thou shalt support the nation-state of ‘Israel’.’
but He does say that the true Israel is His bride, the Church.
God never says anywhere in His Word:
‘Thou shalt support the Free Market.’
but He does condemn the charging of interest and the accumulation of excess profit.
God never says anywhere in His Word:
‘Thou shalt hand thy daughters to foreign men.’
but He does command each creature to reproduce after its own kind.