If you have idols and choose to interact with me, there are only two possible outcomes:
- I identify your idols and you renounce them and repent.
- I identify your idols and you double down into apostasy.
Choose wisely before you comment.
If you have idols and choose to interact with me, there are only two possible outcomes:
Choose wisely before you comment.
The two US political parties actually did a remarkably competent job of divvying up the legitimate and the insane issues such that no rational man can actually support either party.
Immigration is purely a racial matter.
The Roman church has been one of the greatest forces for globalization and the erosion of national cultures and borders for centuries. Those of you who claim to be Nationalists yet still profess loyalty to Rome will have to come to terms with this reality — and soon.
Outside his congregation, a pastor has no power or authority. You are free to ignore or mock him, as appropriate.
Supporting foreign ‘immigration’ is sin; anyone who claims to be Christian yet supports this is openly apostate and an enemy of Christ and His Church.
The Church is not dying; she is being murdered by men who believe themselves Christian whose consciences are so seared they can no longer see their own wickedness.
We will need to revive the proscription list — not with regard to the State, but with regard to the Nation.
America is in a de facto state of war with India.
America is a nation.
America is a European nation.
America is a White nation.
Non-Whites are not American.
Non-Whites cannot be American.
Non-Whites present on American soil are guests — at best.
Guests can be told to leave.
Guests that do not leave are trespassers.