
Every man using the term ‘ethnic/racial vainglory’ is living in high-handed, impenitent sin — it is a rejection, denigration, and violation of the Fourth Commandment, and many other injunctions in Scripture.

Men who employ that term and do not repent have neither promise nor hope of salvation.


If you have an adversary who routinely preempts you, predicts your movements before you even consider them, and refutes your arguments before they have even crossed your mind, then it may be time to reconsider some things.


If the ‘Holocaust’ narrative is accurate, then Adolf Hitler burned around six million Jews; if Christianity is true, then God is going to burn every Jew that has ever lived for eternity.

Modern ‘Christians’ had best come to terms with ‘Antisemitism’ or they’ll join the Jews in eternity.


If you think the Jews are ‘chosen’, that ‘immigration’ is good, that ‘racism’ is a grievous sin, that slavery was morally impermissible, or that ‘Israel’ is an ally, just go ahead and publicly and finally apostatize — you already worship Satan, just make it official.