We should arrest the entire government of ‘Israel’ and subject them to trials using the same interrogation methods and evidence rules used at Nuremberg.
Category: Telegram Only
The Jews are the disease; the Muslims are a symptom.
There cannot be secure Nationalism anywhere for any race until the international Jew is destroyed everywhere.
If opposing pornography, usury, sexual exploitation of children, and third-world ‘immigration’ is antisemitic, then maybe ‘antisemitic’ just means ‘morally upright’.
People who argue the ‘Holocaust’ was real cannot even get their narrative straight with regard to which camps were ‘death camps’ and which were not. Why should I believe anything they ‘think’ or say?
The Christian response to a Jew saying anything about religion other than “I repent of being a Jew.” is:
‘Shut up, Jew.’
I will be removed from the board when God permits it, and not a moment sooner.
If you are commandant of a ‘death camp’ and the enemy is approaching, you liquidate the remaining inventory — you do not permit them to be freed.
And yet.
Every man using the term ‘ethnic/racial vainglory’ is living in high-handed, impenitent sin — it is a rejection, denigration, and violation of the Fourth Commandment, and many other injunctions in Scripture.
Men who employ that term and do not repent have neither promise nor hope of salvation.
The term ‘woke right’ is actually incredibly useful — every man who utters it betrays thereby that he is an enemy owned by the Jews and beholden to their master below.