Three steps to fix 90+% of our problems:
1. Make divorce illegal.
2. Legally recognize sex as marriage.
3. Make adultery a capital offense.
Three steps to fix 90+% of our problems:
1. Make divorce illegal.
2. Legally recognize sex as marriage.
3. Make adultery a capital offense.
Bend the knee willing or bend the knee unwilling — we do not care which.
Every knee will bow.
If your faith is a private matter, then it is not Christianity.
Christianity is not a private faith.
I have zero interest in discussing, debating, arguing anything with our enemies — they are enemies, not mistaken brothers.
One of the key errors of many prior or would-be leaders on the Right is an unchecked desire to cite sources or prove assertions — I will make no such mistakes.
Believe me or not — my goals are not limited to and nor do they encompass squabbles over or proof by citation.
‘What is the purpose of wishing to fight leprosy if one refuses to recognize and isolate the leper, carrier of the plague? Likewise, what is the purpose of wishing to fight Marxism, Communism, modern Materialism, and Atheism if one refuses to acknowledge and isolate the plague carrier from the world, the Jew, son of Satan? What is the purpose if we leave alone, through ‘tolerance’, those who contaminate the Christian peoples?’
— Adrien Arcand
The pastor who does not affirm that the Jews murdered Christ has no promise of salvation.
Since 1965, more than one million White women have been raped by black men.
Every time someone tells you that desegregation was good, realize that he is saying each one of those rapes was good and he would be glad to see it happen again.
Our enemies are evil — all of them.
The presence of a Jew is defiling. There are two ways to remove this defilement when it comes to a church — the first is Baptism and true conversion of such Jew, thus making him no longer a Jew.