The men who believe in the Holocaust will defend it more vehemently and with a violence they could never muster in defense of any tenet of the Christian faith.
It is obvious which god they actually serve.
The men who believe in the Holocaust will defend it more vehemently and with a violence they could never muster in defense of any tenet of the Christian faith.
It is obvious which god they actually serve.
The alternative to the incrementalism that always eventuates in ‘ordaining’ female ‘pastors’ is the hard line set by Scripture:
Women are to remain silent in the churches.
I do not know how a Christian can look at a man like Adolf Hitler and not see one who is following in the footsteps of Christ.
Was his doctrine perfect?
No, of course not.
Did he love his neighbor as himself?
Beyond any doubt.
Did he give his life for his people?
Yes, and there is no greater love.
Every church needs to have pre-selected men strategically placed to put down any threat before it can cause actual harm.
Men: If your church does not already have this in place, it is your duty to ensure that is remedied.
If you tolerate miscegenation, you’ll tolerate homosexuality; if you tolerate homosexuality, you’ll tolerate pedophilia; if you tolerate pedophilia, …
The only thing more hateful than the envious Jew is the goy golem who defends him.
God made many of the genes for beauty recessive — we should consider this a test.
“Such a person [who denies the Real Presence] dishonors, abuses, and disgraces the body and blood, like the Jewish people, who by their actions violated Christ’s body and killed Him.”
The good news is not that we shall never taste death, for all the sons of fallen Adam shall die, but, rather, that we, who have participated in the death of Christ in Holy Baptism, shall never taste the second death, not molder in the grave, but be raised to life eternal with Christ our Lord.
“Christ is King.” is the easy confession — even demons can give it.
“The Jews murdered Christ.” is the confession Satan fears.