The old denominations (read: corporations) will be reconquered or burned to ash and scattered to the winds — we care not which.
We will pursue fidelity to God and His Word, regardless of cost — or who pays it.
The old denominations (read: corporations) will be reconquered or burned to ash and scattered to the winds — we care not which.
We will pursue fidelity to God and His Word, regardless of cost — or who pays it.
God’s final vengeance visited upon Satan is sticking him in Hell with every Jew for eternity.
The reason that slavery remains such a salient issue for blacks is that being enslaved is the most noteworthy thing Africans — a race that invented neither the wheel, the written alphabet, nor the sail — have ever done.
The female biological clock is as unforgiving as it is inevitable. The woman who forgets what she is — or attempts to flee from it — will find herself alone and miserable. Biological reality is not optional.
Homosexuals are great if you want a constant stream of new diseases, novel strains of old diseases, sexual assault (mostly of children), and a general decay of the fabric of your society.
Jews want women on birth control,
as a means of genocide and psychological warfare.
Jews want insects and soy in your food,
as a means of genocide and psychological warfare.
Jews want pornography everywhere,
as a means of genocide and psychological warfare.
Jews want miscegenation,
as a means of genocide and psychological warfare.
Jews want rampant drug use,
as a means of genocide and psychological warfare.
Jews want abortion to be legal,
as a means of genocide and psychological warfare.
Jews want you atomized and depressed,
as a means of genocide and psychological warfare.
As Nationalists, we can and must be willing to work together with any group seeking self-determination within their own borders. We do not seek the agglomeration of soil any more than we seek the miscegenation of blood. A people’s claim to their land flows from God’s ordination, and must be respected by all nations.
Hormonal birth control is particularly morally abhorrent, because it means that, for many women, the very men supposed to protect them — fathers, husbands, lovers, doctors — instead made them into murderesses.
Hormonal ‘birth control’ means that we have millions of women walking around thinking — incorrectly — that they’ve never had an abortion.
If the ‘Holocaust’ were not defended as a tenet of a(n anti-Christian) religion, then we would not be so bound to oppose it — there is, at most, a minimal duty to refute mere historical falsehoods —, but, as it is part of a false religion, we are required to destroy the idol.