This places Dispensationalism squarely in the camp of the damned.
Category: Do Not Crosspost
There is a pernicious myth that ‘EQ’ (‘emotional intelligence’) is a (wholly) separate thing from IQ. If you have been deceived into believing this myth, permit me to disabuse you of that belief. Intelligence and emotional perceptivity are not distinct capacities; they are, in fact, rather closely related.
The man of exceptional intelligence will be able to accurately perceive the emotional states of others with a high degree of accuracy and with fewer clues than most men. Further, the highly intelligent are not, as a rule, ‘emotionally stunted’ or ‘emotionally handicapped’ — quite the opposite. Emotion is a key component of what it means to be human, and the highly intelligent possess a share of this that is roughly commensurate with their other intellectual gifts.
It is not that the highly intelligent are cold or uncaring or unfeeling or inhuman; rather, the will and the intellect are very closely linked, and a man of exceptional intelligence will almost invariably also possess an exceptional degree of self-control. It is one thing to have emotions; it is another thing to display them for all the world.
The caricature of the intellectually exceptional is that of the physically weak, sickly, and socially stunted outcast, but this is a set of pernicious lies — lies a certain sort of man finds comforting, hence their popularity. Contrary to this caricature, those of exceptional intelligence are typically physically more fit, genetically healthier, and socially capable, if sometimes reserved or controlled. The caricature exists on account of malice and is perpetuated because of envy. To hold such perniciously false and bitterly misguided beliefs is unbecoming of any man.
The African is inferior in virtually every way when compared to the European. The African is less intellectually capable, less attractive, less self-controlled; the African is more violent, more destructive, more gullible; and the African is more prone to demon worship, to syncretism, to heresy. There is, in fact, only one way in which the African is equal to the European:
The African, like the European, can be saved only by the blood of Christ.
The European cannot be saved by his race, but he is also not burdened by it — unlike the African.
“Vengeance is mine.”
— God (Romans 12)
‘But I subcontract.’
— God (Romans 13)
Bitcoin continues to be an issue on the Right, so let me go over a few facts:
- The Bitcoin system is eminently vulnerable to certain kinds of attacks — most relevantly, a majority attack (we’ll call it, for the sake of clarity and convenience).
- The safety mechanisms built into the Bitcoin system are meaningless and ineffective in the face of a majority attack.
- A majority attack would be, admittedly, expensive to execute, but not prohibitively expensive.
- China was widely recognized as controlling 60+% of the mining capacity of the system back in 2021.
- It would be difficult (if not effectively impossible) to calculate China’s total percentage control of the Bitcoin system (in terms of nodes, not ‘coins’).
- An actor with a majority control over the Bitcoin system (again, in terms of nodes, not ‘coins’) could effectively seize control of the entire system. This would, in fact, be trivial to accomplish.
- The required investment to control a majority of nodes in the Bitcoin system would be something in the range of $20–30B.
- The current Chinese economy is just shy of $20T.
- $20B is 0.1% of $20T.
A Majority Attack
A majority attack against the Bitcoin system would consist of gaining control over a majority of the nodes in the system (this can be accomplished simply by investing in hardware). An actor (almost certainly a State actor) in possession of a majority of nodes could simply:
- reject all blocks or transactions from minority nodes (i.e., those not under the control of the attacker),
- create its own version of the transaction history,
- force this version to be accepted as correct or canonical, and
- make it impossible for minority nodes to form an alternative consensus.
This is not even particularly complicated.
Notably, all of this is essentially, once sufficiently abstracted, just fairly basic game theory.
- There exist true doctrines.
- These are knowable from Scripture.
- In order to know anything from a writing, one must employ reason.
∴, True doctrine is knowable from Scripture via the application of reason.
There are alternatives to deportation.

This is the entire purpose of ‘immigration’ into the West.

Jews: ‘We should create a golem.’
Golem: *turns and attacks Jews*
Jews: ‘Well, that went poorly.’
*several years pass*
Jews: ‘We should create a golem.’
I’ve worked on political campaigns. I have sat across the table from, or even on the same side of the table as, men who loathed everything for which I stand, and yet we were still able to talk.
I’ve been to weddings where I was the only person to the Right of George Bush (or maybe even Bill Clinton). I’ve sat at a table with Marxist ‘community organizers’, civil rights attorneys, and Democrat Party operatives, and yet we were still able to talk.
I’ve been in classrooms, lectures halls, and bars with people so far Left they’d give Lenin, Trotsky, and Stalin a run for their money, and yet we were still able to talk.
Talking is, of course, not always a solution, but it is certainly a sort of bare minimum in terms of civility or comity. I have found supposed Christians to be far worse than even some moral monsters. It is, perhaps, only to Antifa that I could accurately compare the behavior of so many ‘Christian’ ‘leaders’ and ‘teachers’ and ‘pastors’.
I have seen better treatment of the other side in divorce proceedings than what has transpired in the last few years between supposed ‘Christians’ and those they deem to be political or social opponents. I am aware of no fewer than a dozen cases wherein young men have been hounded, harassed, and persecuted by ‘Christian’ ‘pastors’ and ‘leaders’ and ‘elders’, and then often driven out of the church.
And all of this has been over beliefs that the overwhelming majority of Christian men have held throughout all of history. If those who have conducted themselves thusly have consciences they believe to be clean, it is only because they are so seared as to be black as soot. The churches are dying because of the wicked men who are ‘leading’ and ‘guiding’ them.
If Christians are to be known by their love for one another and the fruits of the Spirit, then the only possible conclusion is that we are dealing with men who simply are not Christian. So be it.
“And because lawlessness will be increased, the love of many will grow cold.”