The wicked should lie down in terror and foreboding and rise up in angst and unease — and it is the duty of the godly prince the ensure that that is so.
Category: Comments
Christianity is a works righteousness religion.
(The issue is Who does the works.)
The majority of what passes for thought these days is just monkey hooting noises translated into semi-intelligible words.
God cares so deeply about race that He gave each of us a uniform — that cannot be removed — so we can identify each other at a distance.
If God had not intended separation between the races of men, then He would not have imbued the human species with the genetic information necessary to differentiate across the planet and He would not have both created the possibility of separate languages and also enforced that linguistic separation.
If you find that all the wicked world has arrayed itself against a particular man, then that man is probably one to whom you should be listening or whom you should be following.
Our enemies will continue, at every juncture, to prove that they are not Christians by ignoring, in high-handed fashion, every stricture of the Scriptures (e.g., 1 Corinthians 6).
A denial of the reality of the races is a rejection of the Great Commission.
A rejection of the Great Commission is a denial of Christ.
A denial of Christ is apostasy.
Those who deny the reality of race are apostate.
Modernists: ‘Race isn’t real; nations are arbitrary political constructs.’
Jesus Christ: “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations.”
The depiction of blondes as dumb by Hollywood is an outgrowth of Jewish hatred of the Germanic race.