The man who tells you that he supports ‘immigration’ is telling you that he wants your mother, your sister, your wife, and your daughter all to be raped to death.
Respond accordingly.
The man who tells you that he supports ‘immigration’ is telling you that he wants your mother, your sister, your wife, and your daughter all to be raped to death.
Respond accordingly.
Every form of Millenarianism — Premillennialism, Postmillennialism, Dispensationalism, or whatever else — is Judaizing.
If Satan were to call every ‘Christian’ Zionist home today, then we would have world peace by next Christmas.
Whatever the Palestinians may or may not be doing to captured Jewish women, Jews do far worse every day to White women via the pornography ‘industry’ — pardon me if I have no sympathy for these enemies or their people.
I do not want to merely win the conflict in which we, the true sons of Japheth and Europa, are currently embroiled — no, to “win” is too small a thing, too limited a goal.
I want to erase our enemies such that they can never again rise to trouble our progeny.
The Jews know that they must milk absolutely everything they can out of the US while the Boomer generation still holds power, because the younger generations not only do not care for ‘Israel’, but hate it for the lies we have been told our entire lives.
If you think what is currently happening in Palestine is bad or atrocious or unthinkable, then I have some very unwelcome news for you about what is already starting to happen here.
If you claim that your god does not hate, then you are not worshipping the Lord God.
It is, in fact, possible that both sides to a conflict are evil garbage and there is no need to pick one.
Regardless of whether or not ‘Israel’ wins this current battle, they have lost something far greater than anything they can gain:
The world, and particularly the Muslim world, now sees that they are not invincible, sees that they are vulnerable — they can be defeated.