Ceterum autem censeo Israelam esse delendam.
Category: Comments
As between the Palestinians and the Israelis, it is the former who have the more morally upright cause — this still does not warrant our (direct) involvement.
The temporal seething of the anti-White hordes will — soon enough — be transformed into eternal seething, wailing, and gnashing of teeth.
Becoming obese is a sin; being obese is a sin; refusing to cease being obese is high-handed sin.
If supposed Christians tell you that consuming alcohol is sin, then you order another beer.
If supposed Christians tell you that working out is sin, then you do another set.
‘Israel’ is a pariah state and it is incumbent on all civilized nations not only to cease all support of it, but also to isolate, oppose, and weaken it.
Note carefully that the Jews are proclaiming that all Palestinians are terrorists — this reveals their mindset. They believe that all non-Jews are legitimate targets for hatred and violence — they believe you are a legitimate target. Act accordingly.
Let us simply return ‘Israel’ to its 1916 borders.
The God Who is love does not command you to abandon or to hate your family;
on the contrary, He commands that you care for your family above all others.
Your nation — your blood — is your extended family.
In fairness, genociding a couple millions Palestinians is nothing to the Jews — they orchestrated the genocide of tens of millions of Europeans in the World Wars.
What’s another two million on top of a hundred or more?