“But our enemies themselves are not able to recognize the foul repulsiveness and the towering injustice of their own actions.”
Category: Comments
No people in history have suffered more for the truth — and for the Gospel — than the Germans.
Part of being a man is being willing and able to visit extreme violence upon anyone who threatens those entrusted to your care.
Parents who deny the reality of race set their children up to apostatize later in life.
Denying the reality of race is anti-Christian.
It is not free to speak the truth about Creation when all the world lies, but it is costly by far to lie about God and then answer for that crime.
The greatest thing a woman can achieve is motherhood.
Egalitarianism is the Big Lie.
In Christ, all your sins are forgiven, but this does not mean that all the temporal consequences of those sins are removed.
As it turns out, the American Church is, apparently, a bit like an unmarked graveyard — everything looks more or less okay until you start digging.
Although, my dear pastors, you have forced me to take up the mantle of teacher, I have no aspirations with regard to leadership in the kingdom of the right hand — I much prefer the left, for it gets to wield the Sword.