You will be ruled by a Christian prince or by demons — there are no other options upon this Earth.
Author: Corey J. Mahler, Esq., J.D., LL.M.
If every man were to miraculously be given full knowledge of the reality of the sodomite ‘lifestyle’ today, there would be no sodomites left inside of a week.
The life of man upon the Earth is war.
God never once commands us to love His enemies.
The Reformation is the bright line between those who rejected and condemned brothels filled with pederasts and sodomites and those who retained them.
Every single supposed ‘extermination camp’ was 1) located on the Soviet side, 2) ‘liberated’ by the Soviets, and 3) described by the Soviets at Nuremberg.
But why would Communists lie?
The very same men who will tell you they hate Communists and that Communists should never be trusted will — virtually in the same breath — parrot the Big Lie, a product wholly of Bolshevik design and propagation.
St. Nicolas Donin will meet many of his ancestors in Paradise, but very few of his cousins who came after him.
Existo, ergo serpentes revelo.
“But as for these enemies of Mine, who did not want Me to reign over them, bring them here and slaughter them before Me.”