Anyone who defends pit bulls is getting deported.
Month: January 2025
Sitcoms hit the Boomers harder than ayahuasca one-shots tech bros.
If God delivers lands filled with violent, barbaric, anti-Christian heathens into your hands, then your Christian duty is clear.
Women are truly blessed when it comes to matters of ‘career’ and such, for God has ordained that for them from the start — wife and mother. Men, on the other hand, must struggle to make something of themselves, and today they must do so with little guidance.
Every woman is a reflection of her head. For the daughter, that should be her father and, for the wife, that should be her husband, but many women are, instead, a reflection of the head they have ‘chosen’ in rebellion against their rightful head — in most cases, this is proximately the State, but, ultimately, is always Satan.
Eine Verfassung ist ein Vertrag. Verträge regeln Unternehmen, nicht Völker. Völker werden von Männer und Blut regiert.
A constitution is a contract; contracts govern business deals, not nations. Nations are governed by men and blood.
No American has ever been named “Vivek”; no American will ever be named “Vivek”.
A husband who cheats may never do so again; a wife who cheats will always do so again.
Men and women are not psychologically interchangeable, particularly when it comes to sexual matters.
Cryptocurrency is a great way to bamboozle people into believing that math problems are actually legal tender.