
The leader of whatever concrete Christian Nationalist movement eventually (soon) arises in the American context will necessarily be either Lutheran or Presbyterian — the other traditions simply do not have what it will take to see this through.


The simple fact of the matter is that there is no amount of evil that could be done — even to their own children and grandchildren — that would rouse the Boomers from their slumber. They are a generation that has totally abdicated any and all duty. It falls to us, alone.


Baptist ‘theology’, Non-Denominationalism, and Pentecostalism are the religious practices of the Boomer generation — they will die with them.

What will survive into the future will be a return to tradition, a resurrection of actual Christian praxis.


If you can look at your own child and think that the very same God Who bestowed such a priceless treasure on you would withhold the free gift of faith from that same child, then there is simply something missing from your soul.