Employees should receive a living wage; ‘immigration’ makes this impossible.
Month: December 2024
I intend for my people to exist — in greater numbers — and be Christian in a thousand years. Everything else is negotiable.
Alles, was ich mir zu Weihnachten wünsche, ist der zehnte Kreuzzug.
All I want for Christmas is the Tenth Crusade.
The Jews are the disease; the Muslims are a symptom.
‘Pastors’ like James White, Doug Wilson, Jeff Durbin, Joseph Spurgeon, Uriesou Brito, and many others spend their time preaching the ‘gospel’ or anti-racism (Marxism), anti-misogyny (Egalitarianism, Marxism), and anti-anti-semitism (anti-racism, Judaizing, Marxism) while the West is being invaded by Saracens, churches are being burned, women are being raped and murdered, children are being mown down by vehicles (and worse), and those who claim to be Christians are being led astray into dozens of different heresies (both old and new).
These supposed ‘shepherds’ are entirely absent, derelict in their duties to the point of malice, and cowardly in their failure to speak to the actual issues faced by their flocks. These wolves are Hell-bent on destroying what little remains of Christendom and ensuring — hand-in-hand with Satan and his children — that those men who are willing to attempt to stem the tide are hounded, harassed, and, if possible, doxxed and murdered. We are living through a great apostasy — if not the Great Apostasy —, and the supposed ‘leadership’ of the churches is not only absent — were that we had it so good —, but actively working with the enemy to destroy all that is good and beautiful and true.
It is incumbent on Christian men to do all that they can to oppose the growing wickedness — particularly that from men who claim the title of ‘pastor’. If we do not act decisively, expansively, and thoroughly, then we will pass nothing of the Christian faith to our great-great-grandsons, if such a generation even comes to exist. These are not merely matters of life and death, although they are certainly that; rather, they are matters of eternal life and eternal death.
The Church will certainly endure, for Christ has promised that He will protect her, but that does not mean that she will endure in numbers or with your sons and daughters. The time is short and the days are evil, but you are not absolved or relieved of your duty. No Christian man is entitled or permitted to remain on the sidelines. You must each pick a side.
Choose you this day whom you will serve: Whether the gods of your Deist forebears — the Declaration, the Constitution, freedom, and liberty —, the gods of this present wickedness — anti-racism, anti-misogyny, anti-anti-semitism —, or the Lord God.
As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.
Every existing large ‘church’ body is an international terrorist organization.
The British are wrong that what they speak is English, but I do appreciate the little shiv from Oxford in naming their American dictionary the New Oxford American Dictionary (omitting “English”).
Dispensationalism is blasphemy.
Supporting ‘Israel’ should be a deportable offense.