
The psychophysiological response to seeing an interracial couple is similar to the (male) psychophysiological response to seeing a sodomite ‘couple’ — and both are similar to the psychophysiological response to seeing maggot-infested decaying flesh.


‘You just want women pregnant, barefoot, and in the kitchen.’ After a fashion, sure: I want women to act according to their nature and with an orientation toward the ends for which God designed them. No creature is happy when it acts contrary to the design of the Creator.


In the end analysis, the only men who actually care about women are precisely those men who want to ‘control’ women’s bodies — the father who instructs his daughter to dress modestly, the husband who instructs his wife where not to go at night, the godly prince who punishes abortion and ‘birth control’.


Wenn ihr Freiheit und Unabhängigkeit nicht bereits hasst, dann versichere ich euch – falls euer schwarzes Herz nicht schon eurem Vater da unten gehört – dass ihr sie hassen werdet, bevor ich fertig bin.