
In his death, Luther, by the grace of God, destroyed the papacy — even though they yet fail to recognize this today. For centuries, all Christians — even Emperors — had feared the supposed power of the pope, and then a German monk defied the entirety of the papacy, lawfully married a nun, raised Christian children, taught the faith over a course of decades, and died a peaceful, Christian death.

All the fury, rage, and malice of the popes could not bring Luther to an untimely or unnatural death. Instead, he died in his native land, secure in his faith and true in his confession. He left behind a legacy few others in the history of the Church could even approach, let alone match.


Certain saints are of such importance to the history of the Church that they receive their own specific designations (‘on top of’ saint); in the case of Martin Luther, this is Teacher of the Church, for he restored the right teaching of the Gospel.

St. Martin Luther orat pro nobis.


If Rome, instead of seeking to murder Martin Luther, had, as was its Christian duty, called a council, then Rome would be Christian today, the Crusades would have succeeded, and the world wars would not have occurred.