
All Christians are morally obligated to affirm that Jews (in the Old Testament) practiced child sacrifice (possibly involving cannibalism), because Scripture states this plainly.

All Christians are similarly bound to affirm that Jews (in modern times) likely practiced child sacrifice (involving cannibalism), because to fail to do so is to violate the Fourth Commandment.


  1. The Jews were repeatedly condemned for child sacrifice, possibly involving cannibalism, in Scripture.
  2. The Jews have been repeatedly condemned for child sacrifice, involving cannibalism, by thousands of geographically dispersed witnesses across numerous centuries.

The Christian who affirms 1 (and all Christians must) should not be surprised by 2.


Hormonal birth control is particularly morally abhorrent, because it means that, for many women, the very men supposed to protect them — fathers, husbands, lovers, doctors — instead made them into murderesses.


If the ‘Holocaust’ were not defended as a tenet of a(n anti-Christian) religion, then we would not be so bound to oppose it — there is, at most, a minimal duty to refute mere historical falsehoods —, but, as it is part of a false religion, we are required to destroy the idol.