The issue is not that encryption aids pedophiles.
The problem is that pedophiles are permitted to exist.
The issue is not that encryption aids pedophiles.
The problem is that pedophiles are permitted to exist.
Mail-in voting should not be permitted absent compelling warrant.
Christ’s Kingdom is not of this world.
The kingdoms of this world belong to Christ.
Both statements are true.
Step 1. Name your schismatic, enthusiast faction after a Sacrament in which you don’t believe.
Step ?. Somehow become the majority in the US.
The day is coming when the average Christian will know what the Talmud teaches.
The day is coming when the average Christian will know what the Quran teaches.
Friends don’t let friends use Windows.
Tolerance is not a virtue.
Scripture: “If anyone adds to this book, God will add to him the plagues described in this book.”
Christmas trees are Lutheran.