Claim: The Roman church held Europe together.
Reality: The Roman church nearly destroyed Europe multiple times, and subverted the Gospel.
Claim: The Roman church held Europe together.
Reality: The Roman church nearly destroyed Europe multiple times, and subverted the Gospel.
How to be Roman Catholic:
Step 1. Think Πέτρος and πέτρα are the exact same word.
Step ?. So, so much heresy…
In a market system, every billionaire represents a grievous regulatory failure.
Propaganda: ‘The ‘far’ Right are vile hatemongers who peddle violence and hostility.’
Reality: The ‘far’ Right are the only ones consistently and sincerely advocating against unnecessary war.
In a very real sense, American ‘Christian’ Zionists are the ‘Christian’ equivalent of Twelver Shia Muslims. Both are apocalyptic cults.
‘I support Israel, because I’m a Christian.’
“Oh, you’re in the cult.”
You are not an individual; you are not self-made; you are not independent. These are lies told to you to feed your ego and your arrogance — to make you pliable.
For the record: I do actually support Israel; it’s just that my exegesis is proper and I recognize that Israel is the Church, not the apostate nation-state in Palestine.
If we are going to believe delusionally incorrect exegesis concerning Revelation, can it at least be something useful like, say, we have to annihilate Turkey to reclaim the seven churches mentioned in Revelation?
Leftists now openly advocate for the sexual exploitation and mutilation of children (on top of their already existing open advocacy for child murder) — there can be no compromise with the Left.