The destruction of Jerusalem and the dispersion of the Jews was God’s judgement on the unfruitful tenants and ungrateful guests (Matthew 21–22) who rejected (and killed) His Son.
Listening to female ‘pastors’ endangers your soul.
Sacred chanting with a (not so faint) background of mariachi.
I love California.
Nationalism is not so much compatible with Christianity as virtually required by it.
Maybe closing the mental institutions wasn’t such a great plan.
Allow me, as an attorney, to explain how standing works in the US:
It doesn’t.
The US education system is a dumpster fire, only without the warmth or illumination.
A doctorate obtained in a country where the overwhelming majority of universities are a combination of degree mill, re-education camp, and playground means rather little.
If you intend to swim the Tiber or the Bosphorus, I would be remiss if I did it wish you good luck — in this case, however, that would mean drowning in the attempt.
If you support abortion, I have zero interest in anything else you have to say about morality.