World War II was an explicitly anti-Christian war both in its prosecution and in its outcome.
The secret to hash browns:
ice water, cheese cloth, bacon grease, high heat, butter, patience.
If he were well advised, Trump would simply pass a one-page bill:
1. Giving all citizens $10k.
2. Terminating all restrictions.
I do not understand how anyone can attend a liturgical church and then downgrade to a non-liturgical church. God is beauty, and the liturgy contains beauty.
There is no beauty in an evangelical ‘rock concert’.
Under present conditions, sending your daughter away to college is, at best, negligent, and, more likely, knowingly endangering her well-being and even her soul.
A limited power to punish heretics should be devolved to the churches.
Science is or produces knowledge.
That which is false is not knowledge.
That which disagrees with Scripture is false.
That which disagrees with Scripture is not science.
Gentlemen, never forget that part of your duty as a man is ensuring that other men do not abuse the authority they wield over their wives and children.
Reminder: Kwanzaa isn’t a thing. It was made up by a domestic terrorist who was convicted of imprisoning and torturing women.
Failing to control the left-hand kingdom endangers souls.