There should be a (small) fee to send email.
Many go too far in condemning Rome’s historical behavior — in essence, misplacing the emphasis:
It is not that Rome wanted to burn Luther, but that Rome wanted to burn Luther, that is problematic.
To be clear, this is the proper treatment of all open and notorious false teachers.
In the left-hand kingdom, mercy is the denial of justice to the victim and the betrayal of the interests of society.
Many will claim that they want orthodoxy, that they want adherence to God’s Word, but advance that female ‘pastors’ should be consigned to the pyre, and you’ll quickly find out who truly means it.
If the mere existence of pornography does not make you seethe with a holy rage, then you are no man.
I will not eat the bugs, the soy, nor the HFCS.
I will not live in the pod.
I will not take the vaccine.
I will not deny Christ.
I am willing to fight for these beliefs.
This is high-handed, unrepentant, knowing sin.
I do not envy those pastors who will be asked, at the Judgement, why they not only failed to defend the flocks entrusted to their care, but even joined in with the culture in attacking them.
Hey, pastors, want to fight racism?
Anti-White racism in the US is not merely encouraged, but also, in the form of discrimination, legally required.