Day by day — and sometimes hour by hour — the lines are being drawn.
Choose your side wisely.
Day by day — and sometimes hour by hour — the lines are being drawn.
Choose your side wisely.
The imprecatory Psalms sound better in German.
In case the dozens of place where Scripture indicates that man is the head of woman and that woman is to be in submission were insufficiently clear, God also saw fit to make men physically twice the size of women, and more than twice as strong.
Look at your calendar.
Is it AD 33 or earlier?
Then circumcising your sons is sin.
Stop it.
If God has directly told you to circumcise your sons, then you circumcise your sons.
If God has not told you to circumcise your sons, then circumcising your sons is sin.
If God directly tells you to cut off your arm, then you cut off your arm.
If God has not told you to cut off your arm, then cutting off your arm is sin.
If I say something you do not want to hear, you would be better served thinking about why you do not want to hear it than finding ways not to hear it.
Crazy person: ‘I think we should chop off part of our infant son’s penis.’
Society: ‘Yes, that seems entirely reasonable.’
And, no, it makes no difference if the infant is male or female.
Absent a command from God, (infant) circumcision is morally impermissible.