The ancestral religion of all nations is Christianity.
It is important to confront, first and foremost, those heresies that are rampant in one’s own day.
At the present time, ‘Christian’ Zionism is the foremost heresy in the West.
There’s no ‘Millennium’.
There’s no ‘Rapture’.
The nation-state of Israel is a geopolitical aberration, not a fulfillment of prophecy.
The Jews are not chosen or special.
The true, spiritual Israel is the Church (and always has been).
Adam and Eve were Christians, as were Noah and Joshua and David.
Most American pastors are liars.
Dispensationalists: ”All Israel will be saved’ means all ethnic Israel.’
Actual Christian: ‘So you believe all Jews will be saved?’
Dispensationalists: ‘Well, not *all* Jews…’
Dispensationalism — at least in its ‘hardline’ form — is a particularly vile form of works righteousness, which is to say that it is blasphemy.
Christ (on the Cross): “It is finished.”
Dispensationalists: ‘Nuh-uh.’
Jesus: “I am the Way and the Truth and the Life.”
Dispensationalists: ‘Nah, Jews have a special way.’
Dispensationalism does not read the Bible ‘literally’.
Dispensationalism does not exegete the Bible accurately.
Dispensationalism does not preach the Gospel truly.
Dispensationalism is not Christian.
Dispensationalism is Satanic.
To understand the ontological argument is to believe in the existence of God.