Atheists do not deserve a response.
It is more important to defend the Church from the sodomites and their demon attendants than to attempt to evangelize them.
Those who still reject the Law will not hear the Gospel.
Apparently we need another reminder of what “the Church” is (and what she is not):
The Church is the congregation of all believers from all time — from Adam and Eve to the last man to have his name found in the Book of Life.
The Church is not any earthly institution, group, denomination, tradition, or sect.
If your ‘tradition’ holds higher and defends more vigorously a collection of personalities from its (perceived) past than the Scriptures themselves, then you aren’t in a Christian tradition — you’re in a cult.
We must, of course, give credit where credit is due:
(Conservative) Anglicans — Thirty-Nine Articles (1563).
(Conservative) Reformed — Westminster Confession of Faith (1646).
There is, quite literally, only one Christian tradition that has not changed its doctrine or its theology in the last five hundred years:
Lutheranism — the Augsburg Confession (1530).
You can affirm ‘modern’ conceptions of gender and sexuality or you can be a Christian.
Choose wisely.
We have come to the point where it would, at least arguably, be better for children to grow up feral in the wilderness than to attend public schools.
Why is the Church not filling this void?
If your church ‘rebaptizes’ those who have already received a (Trinitarian) Baptism, then you are part of a schismatic, heretical sect and not the Church.
For the sake of your soul: Flee.
If your theology calls for fighting demons after you die, I have some bad news about where you’re heading.