Dispensationalism is Satanic.
To understand the ontological argument is to believe in the existence of God.
Ontological arguments convince you of the existence of God.
You don’t understand ontological arguments.
For a great many of those screaming for ‘justice’ these days, just about the last thing they should wish to come is actual justice.
Will there be literal ‘millennium’ (thousand-year reign of Christ) on the present Earth?
Scripture: ‘No.’
Dispensationalists: ‘Yes.’
Things for which Baptists have told me I’m going to Hell:
1. Being Lutheran.
2. Baptizing infants.
3. Reading the ESV.
4. Not believing the KJV was inspired.
5. Believing in the Real Presence.
6. Not believing in ‘spirit baptism’.
7. Using vestments.
8. Using Greek.
9. Being mean.
10. Drinking alcohol.
The fact that there is an unforgivable sin categorically refutes the dogma of double predestination.
The fact that there is an unforgivable sin categorically refutes the dogma of ‘once saved, always saved’.
Let us apply lex talionis to all those who champion abortion on behalf of all those who have suffered from it.
Christ is literally the door and the vine.