With how angry modern ‘Christians’ — and particularly ‘pastors’ — get when you say that Adolf Hitler is in Paradise, you’d think they’re rooting for the other side that wants to see all men in Hell.
‘I support Israel.’ ≈ ‘I am a Satanist.’
Apropos of nothing, if you vaporize an area, not one stone is left upon another.
The court to try the Jews for their many crimes should be seated in Nuremberg — it would be fitting.
“No king but Christ.” is just a modern version of “No gods, no masters.” made to sound vaguely Christian so as to make it easier to lead more fools to Hell.
We should arrest the entire government of ‘Israel’ and subject them to trials using the same interrogation methods and evidence rules used at Nuremberg.
The men who the most loudly demand ‘freedom’ and ‘liberty’ are inevitably the same men who are enslaved to a hundred different masters.
I have no interest in convincing or converting any of the enemy pastors — they have made their choice and their consciences are seared.
The ‘Holocaust’ is an anti-German myth pushed by Jews to facilitate White genocide. It is your moral duty to oppose it.
Hell is full of Jews. This is another good reason to be a Christian.