The key to understanding the modern world is recognization that Satan won WWI and WWII and is leveraging that victory into a campaign of genocide against the White race.
I have turned a number of Baptists into Lutherans by asking them to their face:
‘Why do you hate your children?’
The most wicked thing the Boomer generation did was abandon their racial identity.
AI wins because most men cannot master their own egos.
The men working on AI are in open and continuous communion with demons.
I like my Pomeranian. I do not for a second think he would win in a fight with a lion.
To recognize the superiority of my people is not to hate anyone else.
Cuius regio, eius religio.
So also with political movements.
Cursed be any man who leaves to his sons the extirpation of an enemy that he himself could have destroyed.
It does not matter what we want, for that is not the question; the question, rather, is what must be done, and the answer to that is as simple as it is harsh: The Earth must be scoured of those whose progeny would threaten ours.
If every person on the planet is an interchangeable economic cog, then why do we care if America wins?