It is not rightly that a nation is judged when the highest one may rise is used as the measure, but rather when how low one may sink before being caught and raised up again.
Es ist nicht richtig, dass eine Nation danach beurteilt wird, wie hoch jemand aufsteigen kann, sondern vielmehr danach, wie tief jemand sinken darf, bevor er aufgefangen und wieder aufgerichtet wird.
Granted the power to do so, I would sever all ties with ‘Israel’ and expel all Israeli citizens day one.
The Jews do not deserve to keep ‘Israel’ because the West has bought it with treasure and blood — it belongs to us.
There are no Marxists in Paradise.
(This is part of the reason it is Paradise.)
There are no Feminists in Paradise.
(This is part of the reason it is Paradise.)
There are no sodomites in Paradise.
(This is part of the reason it is Paradise.)
There are no Muslims in Paradise.
(This is part of the reason it is Paradise.)
There are no Jews in Paradise.
(This is part of the reason it is Paradise.)
- A genealogy is a racial (i.e., blood) accounting of the history of a person or persons.
- The NT begins with a genealogy of Christ.
- What God says in His Word is neither idle nor irrelevant.
∴, those who deny the reality of race are apostate.