Alle Macht beruht auf Gewalt.
There are no technological solutions to the evil posed by the banking industry.
The only solution is a Christian prince who does not fear to bloody his sword.
A nation that permits homosexuals to adopt children is a nation that no longer deserves to exist.
We all know why homosexual men adopt boys.
(But stating it openly will still get you banned from social media.)
Anyone who denies the existence of the natural monopoly is an unserious person unworthy of anyone’s time.
All unregulated markets trend toward monopoly.
God killed the Hebrew language; man in his foolishness resurrected it.
We should return it to the status God ordained for it.
The reward for serving ‘Israel’ and the Jews in this life is to spend eternity with them in the next.
Either Christianity or Judaism will survive this century.
To save the former, we must utterly erase the latter — including its books, its language, and its state.
You cannot truly enjoy Christmas music unless you truly understand the depth of sin.