The Jews are children of their father, the devil.
It is the duty of all American men to work together to remove from our lands the alien threat to our women and children.
If you are patting yourself on the back because your state is not (yet) as bad as California, you have entirely missed the point — California was the canary.
The Church has always included infants, and she will continue to baptize them until the Lord returns.
Do you love haggling and harass waitstaff?
You aren’t White.
Do you return your shopping cart and hate haggling?
You’re probably White.
We have a most significant advantage over prior regimes when it comes to deportations and enforcement of citizenship laws: DNA testing is cheap and fast.
If you are ruled by Christians, then your nation will trend toward Christ.
If you are ruled by heathens, then your nation will trend toward Hell.
If the United States population were 100% American, there would be no homelessness or hunger and there would be virtually no crime.
This is an achievable goal.
The current population of the United States is roughly 340M — less than half of whom should be here.