To put on the little hat and pray at the Roman wall is to forfeit your soul.
‘Trickle-down economics’ is, in essence, a Capitalist repackaging of the aristocratic economy without the aristocratic class, as Capitalism produces only plutocrats and kleptocrats — never aristocrats.
The problem with trickle-down economics is that the aristocrat who hails from the same blood as the people beneath him will have a natural affinity for those over whom he rules and whose livelihoods he does not merely control but actually maintains, and he will recognize that his own livelihood in turn rests on those very men, but the Capitalist will forever and only see those beneath him as widgets to be exploited, expended, and replaced — there is neither affinity nor love in the heart of the Capitalist, only avarice.
And so trickle-down economics cannot work, for it is a sardonic perversion of a good system, but with its beating heart removed; it is a reänimated corpse passed off as a living, breathing man; it is a wicked thing wearing the skin of the selfsame good thing it murdered.
If you would restore right order to things, you must restore the aristocratic class, for the problems we face are not first and foremost economic, but moral, and the economic can never address the moral; rather, the economic must be commanded and controlled by the moral. To do otherwise is to invite the very hell in which we now find ourselves so deeply mired.
When the time comes, the false ‘Christian’ will receive a far harsher sentence than the Jew.
Es ist der Nagel, der den Schuh hält, der Schuh, der das Pferd hält, das Pferd, das den Reiter hält, der Reiter, der die Burg verteidigt, und die Burg, die das Königreich schützt, welches verloren geht aus Mangel eines Hufeisennagels.
We far too often overlook the absolute absurdity of having entire portions of most of our large cities where it is too dangerous simply to walk.
Any politician who does not have a plan to resolve this should be mocked.
A Christian should only ever say two things about women voting:
1. Women should not be permitted to vote.
2. Christian women, where they are permitted to vote, are morally bound to vote as their husbands command.
The world loves what Christ hates and hates what Christ loves.
With this truth as your guiding light, you will never be misled.
Die Welt liebt, was Christus hasst, und hasst, was Christus liebt.
Mit dieser Wahrheit als Ihrem Leitstern werden Sie niemals in die Irre geführt werden.
What it means to be a man, first and foremost, is to be both capable of committing and willing to commit violence in defense of the persons and things entrusted to your care.
In terms of scope and degree of harm, ‘network programming’ has been worse for society than pornography.