
America is a nation.

America is a European nation.

America is a White nation.

Non-Whites are not American.

Non-Whites cannot be American.

Non-Whites present on American soil are guests — at best.

Guests can be told to leave.

Guests that do not leave are trespassers.


To any pastors contemplating inserting themselves into the jihad against Stone Choir:

Consider long and hard that God called you, if indeed your call is real, to your congregation and it is for those souls that you will answer. I can promise you: You will gain them and yourself nothing by choosing unwisely.


To every would-be Christian leader out there: You are going to have to pick a side.

You can condemn Stone Choir as wicked (and inevitably reveal your idols in the process) or you can struggle with what we teach and find the truth of it — and we encourage you to subject everything we say to God’s Word and the truth of His Creation.

Love us, hate us — it hardly matters. God has seen fit to let us become the litmus test. You don’t get to avoid us.


I neither hide nor deny my loyalties — I display them openly for all the world to see: I am American, first and foremost, by blood and by birth; I am German (and some Scottish), second, by blood; I am Germanic, third; I am European — White —, fourth.

Fifth, I will defend those who have faithfully shed their blood alongside my people (the Japanese).

Sixth, I will never support war against my brothers-in-Christ.

To all others, I owe no duty high enough or strong enough to warrant mention.