Believe me when I state categorically that not one of you has any idea of the depth of the sentiments I harbor for Islam.
Category: Do Not Crosspost
Glauben Sie mir, wenn ich kategorisch feststelle, dass niemand von Ihnen auch nur ansatzweise die Tiefe der Gefühle und der Meinungen erahnt, die ich in mir gegen Islam trage.
To be clear: This is not the (fullness of the) appropriate response to such attacks.

The enemy and adversary pastors almost didn’t have to deal with Stone Choir.
God decided otherwise.

Many modern Christians argue for the Textus Receptus (TR) over the Nestle–Aland (Critical Edition, NA) out of ignorance. Often, textual criticism and higher criticism are conflated, but these are two very different things.
The men who gave their names (and much of their lives) to the production and maintenance of the NA were both faithful and dutiful Lutheran scholars. Here are their graves, infra. You may recognize that as a fig tree in the case of Dr. Nestle:
Micah 4:4 (ESV):
»but they shall sit every man under his vine and under his fig tree,
and no one shall make them afraid,
for the mouth of the Lord of hosts has spoken.«
The Latin on Dr. Aland’s headstone reads:
‘Here he expects the Resurrection’
We would do well to pay better and more careful attention to the reality of these things instead of the histrionics of detractors.

An abusive husband is best handled by the elders of his church recognizing the problem and solving it without ever involving anyone else.
The now-penitent man can tell everyone he fell off a quad or something.
‘You can’t talk about using a woman, that’s sexist/objectifying/misogynist/[other word I heard in school but don’t understand].’
- Women like it.
- I’m paraphrasing God (e.g., Romans 1).
- Go sit in the corner.
Your father and your uncles were supposed to explain this stuff to you (and then you were supposed to marry young), but previous generations set everything on fire and then laughed while it all burned.
She has to know you want to, intend to, and could use her as a man is supposed to use his wife. And you have to walk this line without going over. Better to err on the side of not being a eunuch and marrying quickly to avoid sin.
The most terrifying words in Scripture are not, in fact, the ones so often presented by (supposed) Christians; rather, they are these:
“For all this, His anger has not turned away,
and His hand is stretched out still.”