
“Brother will deliver brother over to death, and the father his child, and children will rise against parents and have them put to death, and you will be hated by all for My Name’s sake. But the one who endures to the end will be saved.


The goals of a Nationalist government are simple:

A job and a wife for every man.
A home for every family.
The elimination of debt.
The curtailment of trade.
The deportation of aliens.
The securement of the border.
The cleansing of the culture.

This could all be achieved in under a decade.


If for no other reason than how much the world, the devil, and his servants hate him, I would be forced to affirm Adolf Hitler as my brother-in-Christ.



Do you renounce the devil?
Yes, I renounce him.

Do you renounce all his works and all his ways?
Yes, I renounce them.

Do you condemn the Jews, his children?
Yes, I condemn them.

Do you condemn the wicked Hebrew language?
Yes, I condemn it.


You cannot remove the evil influence of the Jew from your society unless you first remove the electric Jew from your living room.

Cancel your cable or satellite, Netflix, Hulu, Disney — all of it. Stop giving money to the enemies of all that is good and beautiful and true.