Das Hakenkreuz wird wieder über den wahren — Christen — Söhnen und Töchtern Jafets und Europas wehen.
Category: Do Not Crosspost
- Any evidence for simulation theory is also necessarily evidence for a Creator.
- Some evidence for a Creator is not also evidence for simulation theory.
∴ Theism will always be a stronger conclusion than simulation theory.
The Jew is the problem and the first step to solving the problem is identifying it.
- The Jews were repeatedly condemned for child sacrifice, possibly involving cannibalism, in Scripture.
- The Jews have been repeatedly condemned for child sacrifice, involving cannibalism, by thousands of geographically dispersed witnesses across numerous centuries.
The Christian who affirms 1 (and all Christians must) should not be surprised by 2.
There will be no lasting balkanization of the territory controlled by the United States. Anyone seeking that end is pursuing a fool’s errand.
Someone will be taking the whole prize.
To be Christian is your duty to God.
To be a National Socialist is your duty to neighbor.
Together, these fulfill the two great Commandments:
- Thou shalt love the Lord, thy God, with all thy heart and with all thy soul and with all thy mind.
- Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself.
Last time, we came so very close to restoring Christendom.
This time, we will succeed.
God with us.
Not for nothing have Satan and his servants marked the Germanic races for eradication.
So long as German blood runs in the veins of any man on Earth, there remains a chance that another Adolf Hitler will arise — Satan fears this more than anything else save the Second Coming.
Pro tip: If you’re going to read Luther, you’d better have at least a basic grasp of German humor — if you don’t, you’re going to miss a lot.
No, we do not get to be ‘reasonable’ or ‘practical’ or ‘pragmatic’ when it comes to the issue of abortion — this is a hill on which we should be absolutely willing to die.
“Would that you were either cold or hot! So, because you are lukewarm, and neither hot nor cold, I will spit you out of my mouth.”
May God strike down any man too weak to take a proper stance on this issue.