“No one has dared so much as to touch the heart of this controversy by responding, which is the greatest evidence of a bad conscience in a wise and learned adversary.”
Category: Comments
The Left use comic books and other such media to illustrate their ‘points’ because all of the actual men who shared their beliefs were moral monsters.
Under Christian Nationalism, anyone who says or otherwise uses “Yeshua” is getting deported.
‘Racism’ is not a sin in Christianity, but it is in the religion of Hell.
God not only caused His Word to be translated into Greek, but He then went one step further and destroyed the Hebrew language, which remained extinct for nearly two thousand years. God could not have been more clear: The Scriptures are Greek.
The Great Commission is the foundation of Christian Nationalism.
Much of the reason the East disagrees with the Lutheran (i.e., Christian) doctrine of Justification is that it is rational, and there are few things the East hates more than reason.
Believing in the reality of race is a salvation issue — not because believing in race can save you, but because knowingly denying it can damn you.
Apropos of nothing, the oldest profession in the world is gardener, not prostitute.
It’s the Jews.