God never says anywhere in His Word:
‘Thou shalt hand thy daughters to foreign men.’
but He does command each creature to reproduce after its own kind.
God never says anywhere in His Word:
‘Thou shalt hand thy daughters to foreign men.’
but He does command each creature to reproduce after its own kind.
God never says anywhere in His Word:
‘Thou shalt support the Jews.’
but He does say they are murderers like their father the devil and enemies of all mankind.
God never says anywhere in His Word:
‘Thou shalt not be sexist.’
but He does say woman is the weaker vessel and is more easily deceived.
God never says anywhere in His Word:
‘Thou shalt not be racist.’
but He does say that to neglect your own is worse than being an unbeliever.
The majority of modern ‘Christians’ will not anathematize you for denying the Creeds (if they even know them), but they will anathematize you for a host of ‘sins’ found nowhere in Scripture.
If you are a woman and believe you have a ‘right’ to vote, then you should stop calling yourself Christian so as not to compound your sins.
The Boomers assure me — vehemently insist that I believe, in fact — that Ronald Reagan was a good Christian and Adolf Hitler was a wicked occultist.
And yet.
Ronald Reagan, although inept and often wicked, was not the source of the problems we face — he was a symptom of them.
The only Scriptural promise to the Jews that remains unfulfilled is the promise of eternal hellfire.
The Jew is the most atrocious, hereditary, and ancient enemy of the Christian name and religion.