In the final analysis, it is not that we hate that which stands before us, at least not more than is necessary to do what must be done; rather, it is that we love that which lies behind us, and will do whatever is necessary to preserve it — and them.
Author: Corey J. Mahler, Esq., J.D., LL.M.
Letztendlich hassen wir nicht das, was vor uns steht, zumindest nicht mehr als notwendig ist, um zu tun, was getan werden muss; vielmehr lieben wir das, was hinter uns liegt, und werden alles tun, was notwendig ist, um es — und sie — zu bewahren.
Everything against which the National Socialists warned has come to pass in the Judeo-Capitalist West.
If you still believe they were the wicked side in World War II, then you are tacitly approving of transgenderism, homosexuality, and all manner of evil.
Men for whom an argument devolving into a physical altercation is no longer a real consideration are unfit for political office.
Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake.
That which harms Communists is good.
God will not be mocked.
Blond(e) hair and intelligence are actually positively correlated.
Satan thinks in centuries; Democracy thinks in election cycles.
Those whose civilizations could not land a man on the Moon do not deserve to live in the civilization that did.