Pro tip: When a company calls their baselayer ‘reversible’, what they are actually saying is that they were too lazy to add an indicator of which side is the front or the back.
Author: Corey J. Mahler, Esq., J.D., LL.M.
This is particularly true of pastors.
Those who look back fondly on high school are typically more well adjusted and better off in life than those who look back on high school with hatred or envy or disdain.
If one of your nationals burns the redwoods or the sequoias, I don’t care if you’re an ally — we’re glassing your capital.
Given the obvious fact that many of the fires in CA (and not just this year) have been deliberately set by ‘immigrants’, we should make clear that any nation found responsible for burning any part of any National Forest or National or State Park in CA will be severely punished.
Der Rote kommt nie mehr zur Ruh’.
Anyone who defends pit bulls is getting deported.
Sitcoms hit the Boomers harder than ayahuasca one-shots tech bros.
If God delivers lands filled with violent, barbaric, anti-Christian heathens into your hands, then your Christian duty is clear.
Women are truly blessed when it comes to matters of ‘career’ and such, for God has ordained that for them from the start — wife and mother. Men, on the other hand, must struggle to make something of themselves, and today they must do so with little guidance.