The Jews hate — and fear —, above all else and in order, Jesus Christ and Adolf Hitler.
The Jews do not care at all about Odin.

The Jews hate — and fear —, above all else and in order, Jesus Christ and Adolf Hitler.
The Jews do not care at all about Odin.
When we win, we are deporting all the pagans to ‘Israel’ — they’ll be happier living around others who hate Christ.
There is only one animating principle for the Left and they run only one analysis:
‘Is this bad for Whites?’
Everything they do is aimed toward destroying the White race; once you recognize this, everything they do will make sense.
Anti-miscegenation laws should not only be brought back but significantly strengthened.
I will occasionally poke fun at the French, for they are cousins and I am entitled to do so, but I will never denigrate them, for they were among the last to fall in the defense of Berlin.
We are going to win, and we are going to do so under the cross. Anyone who objects to any part of that is an enemy, at best.