‘Baptism now saves you.’ is not difficult to exegete.
A man who fails on this count is unfit to be a pastor.
‘Baptism now saves you.’ is not difficult to exegete.
A man who fails on this count is unfit to be a pastor.
‘Blacks have been in the US for centuries!’
So have pigs, but that doesn’t make them human.
National character is more real and enduring than individual character.
The ‘marriage’ ceremony is a polite fiction — wives are taken and made.
The wedding takes place in a church; the marriage takes place in a bedroom.
One of the reasons that it is vitally important to get the nature of marriage right is that being the husband of one wife is a requirement for the office of pastor.
Wer sein Volk rettet, verletzt kein Recht.
Blacks are far more violent than Whites; this is due to both biological and spiritual deficits, and cannot be fixed this side of eternity.