Children: ‘What happens if we’re good?’
Parents: ‘Santa will bring you presents.’
Children: ‘What happens if we’re bad?’
Modern parents: ‘Santa will give you coal instead of presents.’
German parents:

Children: ‘What happens if we’re good?’
Parents: ‘Santa will bring you presents.’
Children: ‘What happens if we’re bad?’
Modern parents: ‘Santa will give you coal instead of presents.’
German parents:
Children who believe Santa Claus is literally real are more reasonable in their beliefs than adult ‘Christians’ who believe the Jews are chosen or ‘Israel’ is a Biblical nation.
That blacks cannot be brought up to White standards is manifestly obvious, but the worst possibility by far is that Whites can, indeed, be brought down to black ‘standards’.
Gluttony is in its results as pornography is in its essence — every moral man knows it when he sees it.
That which is willingly risked is morally accepted.
A painful, but related and necessary, truth:
There is insufficient time to bring a leader up to speed — any leader will have to be chosen from the (relatively small) pool of those who already know.
The African is not my neighbor.
If you think the Jews are ‘chosen’, that ‘immigration’ is good, that ‘racism’ is a grievous sin, that slavery was morally impermissible, or that ‘Israel’ is an ally, just go ahead and publicly and finally apostatize — you already worship Satan, just make it official.
A happy First Sunday in Advent.
But not to the Jews.
When Adolf Hitler was released from prison and asked to resume leadership of the Party, he gave one primary condition: He would be undisputed leader and internal conflicts would be settled by his edict. The American Right is approaching this watershed.